Loara High School has experienced many changes throughout its history. In exploring the archives, it was discovered that the Alma Mater currently sung by students is a “newer” version. This version replaced an original Alma Mater, as documented in Volume 1, Issue 1 of the Saxon Shield.
Original Alma Mater
All hail Loara, all hail thy fair name,
Thy loyal sons and daughters will always sing thy fame.
Thy colors I’ll cherish, in fond memory.
I’ll sing thy praise and glory
Wherever I may be.
I’ll sing thy praise and glory
Wherever I may be.*
Changes and Controversies
The timeline and reasons for the change in the Alma Mater have been a subject of investigation, revealing a story filled with intrigue. John D. Marshall (Class of ’69) discovered while preserving issues of the Saxon Shield that the transition involved controversial voting measures. According to the November 5, 1964, issue, the school was set to vote on changing the Alma Mater mid-year. This vote was invalidated, and a new vote was scheduled, as mentioned in the December 3, 1964, edition. However, no official documentation of the final decision has been found, although it is known that the change did occur.
Anthony Mastroangelo (Class of ’65) provided insights into the early efforts to create the Alma Mater. He noted that while several individuals drafted the original lyrics, they were not widely accepted. The issue became contentious by the end of the 1962-63 school year. In the 1963-64 school year, the newly formed Chamber Singers, led by director Edwin Grace, proposed creating new lyrics. After several rewrites, Mrs. Molly Wampler was asked to contribute, and her final draft was unanimously approved by the group.
The student body ultimately voted to adopt Mrs. Wampler’s lyrics, set to a musical composition by James Ployhar. Since then, this version of the Alma Mater has been sung at every assembly, game, and event. Students raise two fingers in the air as a sign of victory, symbolizing that as Saxons, they are always winners.
Current Alma Mater
Hail Loara, school we cherish,Built by Saxons loyal and trueShe provides a firm foundationWhich will last our whole lives throughMay her memories always linger,May traditions live long tooRed and Gold will fly foreverLoara we’ll honor youHail Loara, school we cherish,Built by Saxons loyal and trueShe provides a firm foundationWhich will last our whole lives throughThis was found following the original blog:In the Saxon Shield, they finally accepted the Alma Mater. This article doesn’t clarify any new mysteries and doesn’t explain why the vote was discarded. However, it states that during the 1964-1965 school year, they didn’t have an Alma Mater and played the fight song slowly. By November 18, 1965, a day before their Homecoming and the announcement of their first Queen, an article was published about the “controversial Alma Mater.”